The Elemental Energy of the Seasons and How to Honor Each Season

As I sit here on a rainy fall day, with a candle lit and a steamy cup of tea next to me, I can't help but notice the changing of the season. As we enter November I am seeing more drastically what the season of Autumn brings. In the weather for sure, but also in my energy. Here in the Pacific Northwest Autumn and Winter mean rain, and lots of it. But I also notice a seasonal change in myself happening, I feel myself seeking comfort and coziness indicative of the Autumn season. I wanted to write this post and dive deeper into this shift happening for all of us and examine each season and the energies we feel as we experience their cycle.

What are the characteristics of each season?

To better understand the energy of each season look at what happens in nature when the seasons shift. Our lives often reflect Nature, what happens in our surrounding environment manifests itself in ourselves. The cycles of the seasons in turn are reflected in our daily lives. We are a part of this natural world even if we like to think of ourselves as separate…

Spring in Bloom

Spring is the season of reawakening. Known for its rainy days and the resurfacing of plants that slept through the winter. In the Spring nature begins to warm up and stretch its growing buds towards the sky as it leaves the restful state that Winter brings. When you are gardening Spring is the time that you start your seedlings. They need this season to sprout and grow in a nurturing environment. Still there are days where the coldness of Winter reaches out and nights can still be frosty, but the sun warms all when it shows its face next.

Spring tulip flowers

Sunny Summer Days

Next comes the Summer, plants that sprouted in the Spring really pick up speed and their growth covers the land in a rainbow of blossoms and leaves. Summer is a time of plenty. The sun makes itself well known, feeding the trees and plants and drying the land. Where Spring is becoming warm and wet, Summer is warm and becoming dry. The rains come less frequently but when they do thunder and lightning scatter the sky in a cacophony of electricity. Gardens flourish and fruits develop. The warm season yields tomatoes and peppers in plenty while slower growing plants cultivate larger crops, it's almost harvest time for these too…

Growing squash

Autumn Harvest

Autumn is the time of harvest and preparations. The weather cools down and the plants that flourished in the Summer have fruits ready to harvest. Squash and greens fill our bellies. What we can't eat is preserved for the coming Winter. Autumn is a cooling dry season, slowly the trees and plants respond to the dropping temperatures and shorter days. The forests erupt in colors, raining down this year's leaves in a sea of yellows, oranges, reds, and browns. The trees are left bare while other plants die out or hunker down for the cold season…

Winter Hibernation

Winter is a time of rest. The coldest and darkest months of the year are the most desolate. While in some regions shades of brown dominate the landscape, in the Pacific Northwest the world turns green. Moss and ferns flourish once the sun gets lost in the misty clouds. The Winter rains bring life to forests dried out by drought in the Summer. The world is cold but becoming wet again, preparing for the next cycle of the seasons. The shorter days cultivate a time of rest for most plants and animals, we are no different!

Elements of the four seasons

Humans have always sought understanding. We study what is around us in hopes that we will learn something that sheds light on something else. Historically we have used seasons to understand changes felt within ourselves. One way of examining the seasons is through the elements they reflect. Each season is associated with one of the four elements. This association can be used to better understand how each season affects us and the energies we experience.

To learn more about how the Elements manifest in plantlife and herbs check out my blog Elemental Energy in Plants!

Spring: Air 

Spring is associated with the element of Air. The Air element brings with it a cooling but wet nature that is directly reflected in the qualities of Spring. It still has the coldness of winter but is in the process of warming. It is the time of Spring showers (and May flowers)! In ourselves this manifests as an increase in energy, an awakening of the senses. 

Summer: Fire

Summer is associated with the element of Fire. This one makes sense intuitively as Summer is the warmest of the seasons and is often associated with the sun. Fire is an element that brings a hot and dry energy. It has a passion to it which we feel. As the Earth bears fruit we do as well. For me personally, Summer is a time of creation and exploration. The fiery seasonal energy lights a fire in me to manifest what I have been dreaming of and prepping for all Winter and Spring.

Autumnal mountain trail

Autumn: Earth

Autumn is associated with the element of Earth. Earth brings the cooling and dry energy we feel when the weather changes and the days become shorter. The element of Earth manifests itself in our tendency towards cozy, warm environments this time of year. I don't know about you but this Autumn I have found myself most comfortable with a fluffy blanket, lit candle, and warm tea in my hands! 

Winter: Water

Winter is associated with the element of Water. This element has a cold and wet energy, much like water itself. The element of Water brings with it a softness that cultivates rest and renewal. Don't get me wrong, winter can be harsh! Especially when the snows come and keep us inside while the world outside is blanketed in white. But I find that especially on snowy days I crave rest and recuperation. I yearn to hunker down with the world and awake again with the sun in Spring!

How to Honor the Energy of each Season

Spring: Awaken

Honor the Spring time by awakening in yourself passions that may have been dominant during the cold and dark months of Winter. Despite the trend of setting New Year's Resolutions in January, I like to set mine in the Spring. I find myself slower and restful in the Winter, but when Spring comes around I feel like I am waking up with all the trees and flowers! Embrace this energy and try setting Springtime resolutions this year!

Blooming Summer garden

Summer: Create

Get out and live life during the Summer! While the sun is shining and the world is blooming, embrace nature and get inspired. I feel the most creative during the Summer and like to embrace this. Just like the plants in the garden we are the most productive in the Summer when everything around us flourishes.

Autumn: Cozy Up

Autumn is a time when I often feel one last burst of energy to create. As the weather changes I find myself in tune with the flow of the season. I push myself when the weather is nice and slow down when the weather is cold. Autumn is the beginning of the restful months but still has some of the passion from the Summer heat. This balance can be felt as the weather shifts between warm days and cool nights. I like to honor this energy by closing out my Summer projects and goals while getting into the nesting spirit by making my house all warm and cozy.

Cold and snowy Winter morning

Winter: Rest

Focus less on productivity and more on dreaming during the Winter. Embrace rest and recuperation just like the natural world does during this season. Rather than pushing myself to be creative I like to do my big picture planning during the Winter. I find that while I rest my body my mind becomes wistful and dreamy. Use this energy to help guide your manifestations and get you ready for the coming year. Move slowly and intentionally in the Winter, reserve your energy and make sure not to overwork yourself. The world slows down in the Winter, and so should you! Embrace self-care and recover from the year you had while preparing for the next.

Just like the cycling of the seasons, we humans go through cycles of our own. Honor yourself and honor the seasons by living in tune with the natural flow not against it. Let Nature guide you to live in harmony with the world! We are all a part of the same Wonderland…

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